Bibliography: Selected Books and Journals

AUGSBURGER David W., Pastoral Counseling Across Cultures, The Westminster Press, Philadelphia, Pa., 1976.

BEACHY Alvin J., The Concept of Grace in the Radical Reformation, Nieuwkoop B. De Graaf, Harrisonburg, 1976.

BENDER Harold S., ‘The Anabaptist Vision,’ in The Recovery of the Anabaptist Vision, Guy F. Hershberger, (ed.), Herald Press, Scottdale, Pa. 1957, pp.29-54.

BENDER Harold S., ‘The Anabaptist Theology of Discipleship,’ MQR 24, 1950, pp.25-32.

BERTSCHE Jim, CIM/AIMM: A Story of Vision, Commitment and Grace, Copyright held by Jim Bertsche, 1998.

BETHGE Eberhard, (ed.), with Essay by John W. De Gruchy, Bonhoeffer: Exile and Martyr, The Seabury Press, New York, 1975.

BIERLEY, Peter W. ‘Mission Attrition: The ReMAP Research Report,’ Too Valuable to Lose, Exploring the Causes and Cures of Missionary Attrition, pp. 85-103.

BLANKE Fritz, Brothers in Christ, The history of the oldest Anabaptist congregation Zollikon, near Zürich, Switzerland, Herald Press, Scottdale, Pa., 1973.

BLOK Marian, ‘Discipleship in Menno Simon’s Dat Fundament,’ Menno Simons: A Reappraisal - Essays in Honor of Irvin B. Horst on the 450th Anniversary of the FUNDAMENTENBOEK, Eastern Mennonite College, Harrisonburg, Virginia, 1992, pp.105-130.

BONHOEFFER Dietrich, The Cost of Discipleship, complete ed, eng.translation SCM Press Ltd. 1959, 10th impression 1978, Richard Clay (The Chaucer Press), Ltd, Bungay, Suffolk.

BOWIE Fiona, ‘Introduction: Reclaiming Women’s Presence,’ in Women and Missions: Past and Present, Anthropological and Historical Perceptions, Fiona Bowie, Deborah Kirkwood and Shirley Ardener, (eds.), Berg, Providence/Oxford, 1993, pp.1-19.

BURKHOLDER Lawrence J., ‘The Anabaptist Vision of Discipleship,’ The Recovery of the Anabaptist Vision, pp.135-151.

BURKHOLDER Sarah, ‘Support needs of Bicultural Single Anabaptist Women,’ Mission Focus, Vol 19, No. 1, March 1991, pp.7-10.

DAVIS Kenneth Ronald, Anabaptism and Asceticism, A Study in Intellectual Origins, Herald Press, Scottdale, Pennsylvania, Kitchener, Ontario,1974.

DYCK Cornelius: ‘The Suffering Church in Anabaptism,’ MQR 59, 1985, pp.5-23.

GITTINS Anthony J: Ministry at the Margins: Strategy and Spirituality for Mission, Orbis Books, Maryknoll, NY, 2003.

GRABER J.D., ‘Anabaptism Expressed in Missions and Social Service,’ The Recovery of the Anabaptist Vision, pp.152-166.

HASTINGS Adrian, ‘Were Women a Special Case?,’ in Women and Missions: Past and Present, Anthropological and Historical Perceptions, pp.109-125.

HIET UMBLE Jenifer, ‘Spiritual Companions: Women as Wives in the Martyr’s Mirror,’ Mennonite Life, Sept. 1990, pp.32-35.

HIET UMBLE Jenifer, ‘Women and Choice: An Example of the Martyr’s Mirror’ MQR LXIV, 1990, pp.135-145.

ISAAK Helmut, ‘Menno’s Vision of the Anticipation of the Kingdom of God,’ Menno Simons: A Reappraisal, Essays in Honor of Irvin B. Horst on the 450th Anniversary of the FUNDAMENTENBOEK, Gerald R. BRUNK (ed.) Eastern Mennonite College, Harrisonburg, Virginia, 1992, pp. 57-82.

JOHNSTON LeRoy, Jr, ‘Core Issues in Missionary Life,’ Missionary Care, Counting the Cost of World Evangelization, Kelly O’Donnell, (ed.), William Carey Library, Pasadena, California, pp.

JUHNKE James, A People of Mission, A History of General Conference Mennonite Overseas Mission, Faith and Life Press, Newton, Kansas, 1979.

KAUFFMAN J. Howard, ‘Power and Authority in Mennonite Families,’ MQR, LXVIII, 1994, pp.500- 523.

KASDORF Hans, ‘Der Missionsbefehl bei den Täufern im 16. Jahrhundert: Seine Bedeutung damals und heute,’ Mission im Zeichen des Friedens, Beiträge zur Geschichte täuferisch-mennonitischer Mission, Logos Verlag GmbH/BTG, Lage, 2003.

KINGSOLVER Barbara, The Poisonwood Bible, Faber and Faber, 2000.

KLASSEN A.J., ‘Discipleship in a Secular World,’ Consultation on Anabaptist Mennonite Theology, A.J. Klassen, (ed.), Coucil of Mennonite Seminaries, Fresno, Ca., 1970 pp.100-126.

KLASSEN John, ‘Women and the Family Among Dutch Anabaptist Martyrs,’ MQR 60, 1986, pp. 548-71.

KLINGELSMITH Sharon, ‘Women in the Mennonite Church,’ 1900-1930, MQR, 54 (July 1980), pp.163-207.

KREIDER Alan F., “The Servant is not Greater Than his Master”: the Anabaptists and the Suffering Church. MQR 58, 1984, pp.5-29.

MARTIN Dennis D., ‘Catholic Spirituality and Anabaptist and Mennonite Discipleship,’ MQR 62, 1988, pp.5-25.

The Merck Manual of Medical Information, Pocket Books, New York, London, Toronto, Sydney, 2003.

MOORE John Allen, Anabaptist Portraits, Herald Press, Scottdale, Pa., Kitchner Ont., 1984.

NIEBUHR Richard H., Christ and Culture, Harper Colophon (ed.), 1975.

NEWBIGIN Lesslie, The Open Secret, An Introduction to the Theology of Mission, Revised Edition, William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, Grand Rapids, Michigan, 1995.

PACKULL Werner O., PAKULL Werner O., "We are Born to Work like the Birds to Fly: The Anabaptist-Hutterite Ideal Woman," MQR 73:1, 1999, pp 75-86, p.75.

RIESEN Gottried, in Zingg Alfred, ’500 Jahre eigenständiges Pfarramt Affoltern im Emmental, 1484-1984,’ Mennonitica Helvetica, 1984, No.3, pp. 47-58.

RITSCHL, Albrecht, Three Essays, in ‘Prolegomena,’ - ‘The Distinctiveness and Origin of the Anabaptists,’ Fortress Press, Philadelphia, 1972, pp.70-83.

ROBERT Dana, American Women in Mission: A Social History of their Thought and Practice, Mercer University Press, Macon, Georgia, 1997.

SAUDER Renee, ‘Inner Call/Inner Ambivalence: Conflicting Messages in A Fragile Conversation,’ Understanding Ministerial Leadership: Essays Contributing to s Developing Theology of Ministry, John A. Esau, (ed.), pp. 47-56.

SAUDER Ruth, ‘Mennonite Single Women in International Mission – A History,’ Mission Focus, March 1991, Vol.19, No. 1, pp.4-14.

SAXER Ernst, ‘Die Christologie des Menno Simons im Vergleich zur Lehre der Reformatoren, insbesondere Calvins,’ in Mennonitica Helvetica: Organ des Schweizerischen Vereins für Täufergeschichte, Gümligen, No. 20, 1997, pp.11-23.

SHENK Wilbert A. ‘Die Mennoniten und das Evangelikale Netzwerk,’ in Mission im Zeichen des Friedens, Beiträge zur Geschichte täuferisch-mennonitischer Mission, Logos Verlag GmbH/BTG, Lage, 2003, 117-140.

SNYDER C. Arnold, Anabaptist History and Theology: An Introduction, Pandora Press, Kitchener, Ont., 1995.

SPRUNGER Keith, ‘God’s Powerful Army of the Weak: Anabaptist Women of the Radical Reformation,’ Triumph over Silence, Women in Protestant History, Richard L. Greaves, (ed.), Greenwood Press, Westport, Connecticut, London, 1985, pp.45-74.

STAUFFER Ethelbert, ‘The Anabaptist Theology of Martyrdom,’ MQR 19, 1945, pp.179-214.

STAYER James M., PACKULL Werner O., DEPPERMANN Klaus, ‘From Monogenesis to Polygenesis: The Historical Discussion of Anabaptist Origins,’ MQR 49, 1975, pp.83-121.

TABORI Paul, The Anatomy of Exile, A Semantic and Historical Study, Harrap, London, 1972.

The Complete Writings of Menno Simons c.1496-1561, Mennonite Publishing House, Scottdale, Pa., 1984.

The New Dictionary of Theology, Joseph A. Komonchak, Mary Collins, Dermot A. Lane (eds.), The New Dictionary of Theology, Gill and Macmillan, Gill and Macmillan Ltd, Goldenbridge Dublin 8, 1987.

Too Valuable to Lose, Exploring the Causes and Cures of Missionary Attrition, William D.Taylor, (ed.), William Carey Library, Pasadena, California, 1997.

TOURNIER Paul, A Place for You, Psychology and Religion, SCM Press, Ltd, London, 1975.

VOOLSTRA Sjouke, ‘True Penitence: The Core of Menno Simon’s Theology,’ MQR 62, 1988, pp. 387-400.

WEAVER William B., Thirty-Five Years in the Congo, A History of the Demonstrations of Divine Power in the Congo, Congo Inland Mission, Chicago 36, Illinois, 1945.

WENGER John, C., ‘The Biblicism of eh Anabaptists,’ The Recovery of the Anabaptist Vision, Guy F. Hershberger, (ed.), Herald Press, Scottdale, Pa. 1957, pp.93-104.

WHITE Ann, ‘Counting the Cost of Faith: America’s Early Female Missionaries,’ Church History, Vol. 57, 1988, pp. 19-30.

WILLIAM George Hunston, The Radical Reformation, Westminster Press, Philadelphia, 1962.

WORKMAN Herbert B., The Evolution of the Monastic Ideal, Beacon Press, Boston, 1962, Epworth Press, London.

YODER John H., The Priestly Kingdom, University of Notre Dame Press, 1984.

YODER John H., ‘Anabaptist Vision and Mennonite Reality,’ Consultation on Anabaptist Mennonite Theology, A.J. Klassen (ed.), publ. by the Council of Mennonite Seminaries, 1970.

YODER John H., (transl.), The Legacy of Michael Sattler, Scottdale, Pa.: Herald Press, 1973.

YODER John H., ‘The Prophetic Dissent of the Anabaptists, in The Recovery of the Anabaptist Vision, Guy F. Hershberger, (ed.), Herald Press, Scottdale, Pa. 1957, pp.93-104.


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